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- A parent or grandparent must be on the premises per family during classes

  (with the exception of  high school Juniors or seniors who drive themselves.) 

-Affiliate with NCFCA 

-Commit to at least one home and/or one AWAY tournament



Some of the top students and families in the US participate in NCFCA. The level of professionalism and standards set by strong, caring leadership, creates an environment of excellence. There are approximately 5,000 students participating at local clubs in the US. The local club, regional and national tournaments are opportunities for a high level of achievement, while also establishing lasting friendships and community.

Communicating thoughts effectively: The NCFCA drives and helps motivate young people to research and put into writing ideas, current events, research, tough Biblical and spiritual questions. It provides our students with the foundation to be able to communicate what they believe and why, to research deeply and communicate effectively what they have learned, and why it matters.  This is the primary skill and habit that will set these kids apart.

Increased or newly found confidence:
Most young people come in to NCFCA very quiet and reserved. Within one or two years confidence builds and the results are often amazing and unexpected. The positive competitive environment also provides opportunities for success and hard lessons while at the same time providing a healthy motivation for excellence and completion of assignments and research. This prepares them for life in many ways. Young people begin to make new plans based on their new skills and confidence and begin to dream about what is possible.

Developing a Christian Worldview:

Being a Christian is not the same as having a Christian Worldview.  The former happens once, the latter develops over time and with effort.  As you have the opportunity to discuss issues of the world as well as deeper philosophical issues, you are given the opportunity time and time again to pour into your children your Christian worldview and encourage them to form and articulate their own out of that place of discussion and formation with you and like minded teachers. This helps to develop solid foundations of faith through this collective effort of Christ centered learning. 
Inspiration and motivation:
In a traditional classroom or even a home-school "classroom", there would likely be not competent discussion on international terrorism policies, national policy change in regarding higher education or abolishing the SSTL.  Why is the unchanging nature of God critical to who He is?  What is the real cost difference between fair trade and free trade?  Why does this matter?  The topics are endless and everyone is engaged and intrigued in turn.  Your hope for the future and the next generation will be restored as you watchthese young leaders grow.

Investment for Participation in our co-op and NCFCA (middle and high school)

Participating on a competitive speech and debate co-op like ours is a significant commitment.  This is not something to be taken lightly. The primary reason is that your student will need support and encouragement. This is not a ‘drop your kid off’ senior program. Families who join, usually make this a significant part of their home-school education.
Time Investment:

  • Weekly community day – 3 hours every Friday with an alternating 6 hours every other Friday for 25 weeks (see schedule)

  • Preparing for weekly meetings assignments etc. – 2-4 hours a day

  • Time AWAY from regular school – count on investing 3-4 days per tournament that you choose to attend.  Most definitely consider these school days.

Family Investment:
1.  One parent must accompany their student(s) at each tournament.
2.  Normal tournament days run from 7:30AM to 9PM.
Financial Investment in tournaments:
Tournament competition

  • Registration $25 per event

  • Gas, lodging, meals. (Often, lodging is shared with other families and many families bring their own meals vs. buying meal plans.

3.  Tournament attire - suit or suit coat and pants for guys; dresses for gals (often need more than one outfit for multiple days of the tournament).  Cost varies depending on what you have and where you shop!
4.  Basic school supplies.





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