An NCFCA Speech and Debate Co-op
High school and middle school speech and debate co-op

We are a group of homeschool families that have seen the incredible benefits and opportunities provided by speech and debate. We strive to provide our students with the foundation to be able to communicate what they believe and why they believe.
Why a speech and debate co-op? What is different about our co-op from others?
It's the conversations, it is the sharing and discussing of your world view with your child on a daily basis that this co-op instigates. It is HOMEschool. The purpose of this co-op is allow you to teach your child with a community of people that encourage them to research, ask, talk, discuss, and form their world view through discussions with you- their parent, their peers and their community. We want our students to form those views and ideas into speeches; into thoughtful and respectful debate; to express their knowledge and thought processes with the world.
We are a part of the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association. NCFCA is the oldest and most established home-school forensics league in the country. NCFCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing communications-based competitive activities, such as speech and debate, to home-schoolers. NCFCA places particular emphasis on excellence in academic and personal integrity as students learn to communicate more effectively.