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An NCFCA Speech and Debate Co-op
High school and middle school speech and debate co-op
High School and Middle School: $340 per child
Includes classes and all fees for both fall and spring semesters
(25 classes)
Registration is required with NCFCA in order to compete in the
spring tournament season. Cost is $150 per family per year.
Are you ready to register?
Please fill out and submit this form, then send the $60 registration fee (will be used towards your full fees) Via paypal (, venmo (Tabitha-Wycoff)
or check to: Tabitha Wycoff, 2650 Hunt Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
Please identify your payment as registration for 22/23 Co-op
To ensure class placement, please return register by July 15th 2023.
A non-refundable $60 registration fee is due after the application has been submitted and approved for co-op registration. The child is not considered enrolled in the co-op until the registration fee has been paid.
(Fee will be put towards one student's facility fee.)

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